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How to Get Involved

Organizations, businesses, and individuals can support LAP-AID by becoming members. There is no fee to become a member.

  • LAP-AID is a communication network during disasters. For example, county response partners may identify a need like mental health support after a tornado. LAP-AID responds through the Mental Health Team comprised of local mental health agencies.

  • Faith-based organizations communicate with the Disaster Volunteer Coordination Team to assist households’ needs.

  • Businesses offer post-disaster funding and volunteers. Resources assist impacted employees.

  • Individuals support teams such as Emergency Volunteer Centers.


Join Us

If you would like to become a member of the LAP-AID team, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page or submit the Statement of Interest form.

The Linn Area Partners Active In Disaster receive all documentation at:

United Way of East Central Iowa
317 7th Avenue SE, Suite 401
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401